Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Turkey Club with Fries

This morning I spent more than 2 hours scouring my usual sources on the internets. Fruitless were my efforts. I thought for sure that there would be no post today, but then I found hope. I found hope in the form of a link that showed true promise, Evil Turkish Spiderman.

via videosift.com

While the guinea pigs (or as some call them ginny pigs) gnawing a victim’s face off seemed to be as WTF the Turks could give us, I hoped there would be more. I was not disappointed. Enter Turkish Rambo, with his low powered, ever reloading rocket launcher. This masterful piece of cinema has some of the greatest death scenes. The western thespian world could learn a thing or two from actors such as these. I am positive that the final villain is the genetic offspring of Vincent Price and Inside the Actor's Studio's James Lipton. The cost of creating this genetic anomaly ate up most of the budget.

Why stop at Rambo when you can continue to infringe international copyright laws. Turkish Superman is yet another romp into the world of ridiculous. I still don’t know why it was necessary for Superman to climb into the truck to stop it instead of just using his massive strength to grab the bumper. Then again I am no Superman, so who am I to question his tactics.

An action movie is only as good as its explosions and montages…having said that, this movie must be crap.

via videosift.com

I apologize to any of my Armenian audience I may have offended by posting products of Turkey.

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