Yes this is a bit immature, but what on this site isn’t? I remember, as a child, being in possession of a mini tape recorder that had a speed setting on it. I could spend hours uproariously laughing at a recording sped up to chipmunk speed, or slowed down to a sloth-like crawl. Well I am a man now, a MANDOM man, and I still enjoy this manipulation. It appears that all it takes is a 30% speed reduction to make Jeff Goldblum sound knee stumbling drunk. That is the kind of person I want to by a Mac from… an inebriated one.
Now we move on to the videogames. Like many things out of Japan the theme music for Super Smash Bros. Brawl is really epic sounding. The problem with epic sounding is that there is just no way of understanding the lyrics… until now.
See more funny videos at CollegeHumor
To mix things up a little today, I decided to include some of those fancy non-moving no sound having videos you see all over the internets these days. By the way, the first picture's caption reads "Its the hat".

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