I nearly peed myself.
Evidently, this what the Chinese are doing to brush up their security detail for the upcoming Olympiad in Beijing. This seemed to me to be the second worst mounted force in history. The first being the Polish Calvary vs. Nazi Germany’s Panzer Blitzkrieg…Okay, okay… that was just a myth perpetuated by Nazi propaganda, so I guess that the Chinese Segway Brigade is the actual worst mounted force in history.
Seriously what is next the Sloth Templar?
Or Perhaps an Aye-aye riding Zulu?

Truthfully if the Chinese really wanted to make sure that the Olympics were safe all that they would need is one Charles Bronson driven MANDOM mobile.
Take that, terrorists!!!
Speaking of mounted things…here is an awesome fake movie preview by Black 20 called Wheels.
via videosift.com
I’ve heard of explosive diarrhea, but I have never bought tea just so I could have it. Then again I am not Japanese.
via videosift.com
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