Tuesday, December 2, 2008


If you spend enough time on the internet you will come across the phenomenon of hilariously misplaced web ads. I was searching for a starting point story for my blog and I came across a quaint little article about the Girl Guides. For you non-parents of Girl Scouts (as well as all you non-pedophiles), Girl Guides are the original UK inspiration for those cookie hawking vested wee ladies that clog your local grocery store entrance every year. Here you see, is the title of the article.

As you can see from the opening paragraph, the Girl Guides are concerned about the damage to girls’ self-image as a result of constant exposure to airbrushed beauties (not to mention knife crime, but that will not come into play today). This is a noble quest (although most likely fruitless as we humans naturally will always crave a pinnacle of perfection). The real treat comes in the form of the ads placed around this article, ads such as this banner.

As if that ad weren’t counterproductive enough there is always the slew of sidebar links that you can follow to see more salacious content.

This is just another example of why the unregulated, unedited, inattentive internet will always be a source of good old WTF

Speaking of WTF here is some goodies for you kiddies.

First up is a music video that I found yesterday, but didn’t get around to posting until today.

via videosift.com

A translation may make this more comprehendible, but I doubt it would be any less strange.

via videosift.com

What do children singing, eggs, and Queen’s We Will Rock You have in common? Absolutely nothing…this is why you will find them all here on toddsift.

via videosift.com

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