Friday, January 2, 2009

T’is the Season

Where have I been? I have been on what the Europeans call “Holiday”. Of course here in America we call it “vacation”. Ironically enough I have been on vacation as well as Holiday (that is defined as “a day of Holy Reverence”), because I believe in Jesus. Therefore I get the time off as well as get the opportunity to refresh my soul and worldly spirit… bonus for me! So as I enter this new calendar year (don’t bother to engage me on my beliefs about the space time continuum) enjoy these truly WTF videos that I have found. (Videos that I probably would have found more of if I weren’t on vacation… I mean holiday…I mean Holidays… I mean vacation).

British Television is brilliant. Who else would have thought to report on the underground craze of “Roboting” way back in the 1980’s?


Ho Lee Krap!!! Forget everything that I have ever said about British television being brilliant (or tele as those Nancy boy namby-panmbies like to call it). Australian television is certainly the wave of the future. I guess that makes sense seeing that they start their day way before us lazy yanks get around to it.


Most American’s do not understand the great subtlety involved in the cinematic genius of the first “Robocop” movie. While it portrayed itself as the typical run and gun, explosion saturated, one-liner kind of theatrical schlock, there was an almost subliminal lesson of American overindulgence and greed that can only be portrayed in this commercial for “American Fried Chicken” commercial from the Orient.


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