Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Six Foot Four and Made of Muscles

This might be the best article ever written.

I think that I have posted something by this guy before. I want to say that it was a video with a song about the fact that the video was only 30 seconds long… or something to that fact. Anyway, once again this fine gent is gracing toddsift with yet another annoying ditty that can be summed up with the onomatopoeia…Boioioioioioioioioioi!

via videosift.com

I seldom feel sorry for people, for the most part they seem to deserve the shit that happens to them. Until recently I might have said the same about goats, but the tribulations of Ed and Bob here nearly broke my heart (no animals were harmed in the making of this video).

via videosift.com

And finally here is 15 seconds of your life that will never make sense again.

via videosift.com

Friday, December 12, 2008


The Following is a Special Presentation of a previously never before released toddsift post. The reason why this post never made it to toddsift is complicated, but basically it comes down to problems with HTML code. If you are unaware of what HTML code is do not fret, because ironically the main topic of the post is about HTML code and issues that can arrise from its use.


The name of this post is Cheese. That much I assume you could glean from the large font title up there. The real philosophical enigma is why did I title this post Cheese? The short answer is I didn’t. I needed to save this file because I knew I was never going to finish it yesterday. As most of you have probably experienced, Microsoft Word has a nifty little feature where as it will automatically name your file the first word or phrase in the body of your work. At the time of said save, the first object in the body of this work was the HTML embed code for the video you will find immediately below. If you don’t know anything about HTML embed codes (and I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t because after doing this blog thing for almost a year, I still don’t know much of anything about HTML embed codes), they start with
a line that says… ... this is followed by all sorts of good old computer type stuff that tells your computer how to present the hand selected grade A premium WTF that I have chosen for you that day. So anyway, here I was making the save that I knew that I needed to make because I knew that I would never get around to finishing this post, and Microsoft Word decided for the reasons that I just explained to give me the option to name my file…

I didn’t feel comfortable withbeing the save name of this post for many reasons, some of which I will list here.

1. Aesthetically, I found it displeasing. looks as if I was attempting to make some sort of cobbled together graphical representation of a spear (Zulu Assegai style possibly).

2. begs the question, “What does less than object width actually equal?” Looking at the code one can see the answer is “540”, but I cannot assume that any one would ever look at the code to find out what the answer is. Not to mention that the less than symbol at the beginning of the code does not actually stand for less than as much as it is a virtual place holder for the HTML code itself.

3. ….Wha…Uh…Sorry I nodded of in the middle of point number 2. I was all, just like, “Blah blah blah…HTML code. Blah blah blah…place holder. Blah blah blah…less than equals”

4. The rising price of linseed oil concerns me.

So for those reasons (among others that I won’t get into due to personal and religious reasons) I decided that I needed to use a different file save name. Cheese was the first word that popped into my head, so Cheese it became.

“But why then did you title this blog post Cheese?” you might find yourself asking right now. As I told you earlier the short answer was that I didn’t and I feel that I have taken up far too much of your time with the short answer already, so I will not get into the long answer today. I am sure you understand, and are quite possibly relieved as well.

Video Time!!!

This is nothing but good old fashioned silliness. Sometimes good old fashioned silliness is just what this world needs.

via videosift.com

How many takes did they need for this line to be delivered straight-faced?

via videosift.com


Personally I enjoyed every last minute of this video, but then again I am not normal.

via videosift.com

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Lasers Say Pew Pew Pew!

Great, just great! Now that I can’t smoke laser printers anymore, what ever will I do to settle my stomach after eating a large meal of compact disc players?

Here is today’s WTF

I don’t speak Spanish; this song, titled “Hijo de Puta”, could be completely offensive for those of you who do speak Spanish. I really don’t care; I just thought that I would warn you. For those of you who speak non-Spanish the title of the song is roughly translated as “Son of a Whore”, although I have heard far more crass definitions for the word Puta.

via videosift.com

It seems to me that I am finding more and more music videos these days that defy explanation. This is one of those videos. Stick around to the end the crescendo is simply delicious.

via videosift.com

I hate people who use food descriptors to describe non-food items…

…but not nearly as much as I would hate Yompi. Watch and I think that you would agree.

via videosift.com

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


If you spend enough time on the internet you will come across the phenomenon of hilariously misplaced web ads. I was searching for a starting point story for my blog and I came across a quaint little article about the Girl Guides. For you non-parents of Girl Scouts (as well as all you non-pedophiles), Girl Guides are the original UK inspiration for those cookie hawking vested wee ladies that clog your local grocery store entrance every year. Here you see, is the title of the article.

As you can see from the opening paragraph, the Girl Guides are concerned about the damage to girls’ self-image as a result of constant exposure to airbrushed beauties (not to mention knife crime, but that will not come into play today). This is a noble quest (although most likely fruitless as we humans naturally will always crave a pinnacle of perfection). The real treat comes in the form of the ads placed around this article, ads such as this banner.

As if that ad weren’t counterproductive enough there is always the slew of sidebar links that you can follow to see more salacious content.

This is just another example of why the unregulated, unedited, inattentive internet will always be a source of good old WTF

Speaking of WTF here is some goodies for you kiddies.

First up is a music video that I found yesterday, but didn’t get around to posting until today.

via videosift.com

A translation may make this more comprehendible, but I doubt it would be any less strange.

via videosift.com

What do children singing, eggs, and Queen’s We Will Rock You have in common? Absolutely nothing…this is why you will find them all here on toddsift.

via videosift.com

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Special Treat for Y'All...Andy and I Posted on the Same Day!!!

Wow, The Stepfather of Awesome graced this humble blog once again. I feel honored that he is able to take time from his real career to grace the pages of toddsift again. We miss you A.T.

toddsift takes time to wipe a tear of sentimental from his eye.

On to today’s WTF.

Never in the past have I stopped my search for WTF as soon as I found the first video. Sure, there have been several times that all I have found is one video that seemed to sum it all up, but I always searched for more gems that might compliment it. Today is different. I stopped searching as soon as I had sat through all 11 minutes of this masterpiece. I simply thought of squirreling this video away just in case there is a final demise of toddsift, I figured it would be one hell of a send off. Alas, I know that WTF is not meant to be squirreled, nor is it meant to be gophered or even marmoseted. Not to mention saving a video to be the end all be all is silly considering there will certainly be more videos out there that strike to the very heart of WTF more accurately and precisely than this one. So I apologize for the excruciatingly long intro, but I would not have rambled as much for a lesser video.

Enjoy This is my Milwaukee

via videosift.com

Is this hacksored?

Ok so its been a while since I dipped my immortal danglies into toddsift. It looks as though Todd has to actually do work. I am sure this is just causing him great agony and despair to not bring you the loyal viewer good wtf. So it is with that sentiment that I (the stepfather of awesome) bring you
BLACK DYNAMITE. Just when you thought the blaxploitation movie genre was dead, BAM! For your wtf viewing pleasure. This is mildly nsfw so watch it. I miss you bitches, keep in touch


Friday, November 21, 2008

Con Grasa Reducida

If you miss the robust toddsift posts, just think of this one as toddsift lite, now with 10% less fat. Then not only will you still get some WTF, but you can feel good about your waistline as well.

I have always wondered if there was a way that I could stay warm during the winter months and look like a druid at the same time?

via videosift.com

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I Haven't Quit Yet!!!

In an effort to assure that I at least post something once a week, I have hired a personal motivator. Here is Crack Squirrel. He is my inspiration. If he can make it, so can I.

I have a tendency to vary my definition of WTF to suit the videos that I find; in the case of this video I simply cannot define it at all.

via videosift.com

Of course it is from the Japanese, of course it is WTF, of course it has found a nice comfy home on toddsift.

via videosift.com

The sifter who posted this video on the site that I stole it from gave it the title I Have No Idea How to Title This, and quite frankly neither do I. I can tell you I nearly cried with laughter while I watched it…I don’t know why, but I did.

via videosift.com

I assure you your day won’t be complete until you have had your dose of 21 seconds of a monkey washing a cat

via videosift.com

Thursday, November 13, 2008

1/3 of all Towns in England end in “Bury”

I found an article today; here is the headline and enough of the body to get to my point.

'Try something new today...' blundering Sainsbury's gives booklet on sex positions to eight-year-olds

By Andrew LevyLast updated at 2:02 AM on 13th November 2008
Comments (108)
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They probably expected a goody bag of some sorts as a going home gift after the primary school trip to Sainsbury's.
But what the 42 children - not to mention their parents and teachers - did not expect was to be given a book with explicit illustrations of sexual positions.

Okay, I understand that mistakes happen, but this has me thoroughly outraged. I cannot even begin to encapsulate my anger into words refined enough to be comprehensible. To think that this kind of carelessness could go unchecked makes my blood boil and quite frankly I feel ill to my stomach. The helpless victims of this atrocity were nothing but innocent second graders who should have been treated to an afternoon of frivolity and excitement, but no, instead they were forced to take their field trip to the local grocery chain. Yes, that is right, you heard me Sainsbury is a grocery store. What kind of field trip is that? At least when I was a child we were able to go to the roller rink, or to the zoo. Apparently teachers in England think that the class room is not dull enough. They have to make their outings to local businesses that children are inherently irritated by. I imagine this trip must have gone over about as well as last year’s trip to the homework factory, or even the year before when the then new kindergarteners were trekked to the steamed broccoli convention. Sickening outrage I tell you!!!

Oh yeah… there was something about porn in that article too, but I couldn’t get past the whole “grocery store” thing enough to read the article to find out about that part.

The more times change, the more they stay the same. Adults will always attempt to teach their kids by using the latest slang…and using it completely wrong.

via videosift.com


Ummm I am not really sure? It is one of those videos that seem to make sense while not making sense at all. I did manage to make it all the way through though. There are some suggestively animated sequences included, so consider your self warned.

via videosift.com

Monday, November 10, 2008

Some how I Feel as if I Have Written This Before

It has been a long time since I have written a satisfying rant. I don’t have the free time that I used to have at work (imagine that…I have to work for a living), and I certainly do not have the time that I need to appease my self interests at home (oh…wow…I have a new baby and I wish to invest more time into my family life, and not so much into my personal desires). But honestly…you dear reader…observer…visitor; must certainly be sick of the endless bitching that seems to be the common post that comes from toddsift. I don’t blame you. Who would want to invest their time into a whiney self deprecating blog like toddsift? NO ONE!!!! So here I am, now naked to the world (seriously, I am naked…my ass is sticking to this faux leather chair of mine). I plan on splashing MANDOM on every pore and accepting that I am a MAN. As such I will write posts that do not concern themselves with the trivial irritations that come with the lifestyle of a father and a career maker. Rather I will write pots that only speak to tough and rumble things like steaks…Bond fires…and of course loving ones family like one who loves the autumn due upon a freshly painted leaf of a delicately falling maple tree.

At first I felt very bad for these animals. Then I realized that like most things on the internets, this video was faked for the purposes of who the hell knows what. At that point I just sat back and enjoyed the artistry designed to make me uncomfortable.

via videosift.com

Have you ever, while in a snow ball fight, squeezed your snowball so hard that it became an ice ball? This is what happens when some one squeezes WTF so hard that it becomes a concentrated-skull-shattering ball of WTF.

via videosift.com

Okay… I think that it is only appropriate that we wrap up today in “fetish land”. I don’t know whose fetish is complete only when nimble young women with fancifully painted toes steps upon their heads, and quite frankly I don’t want to know…Neither do you, but you will watch any way,

via videosift.com


whew, made it just in time, now I can post twice one Tuesday and feel okay about myself for making it on Monday...Shit mere seconds too late.

Oh, wow!!!
blogspot's time is all screwed up. This post went up on Monday on a technicality!!

Woo Hoo!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Before I Go

I am off work again for the next couple of days. I know...Must be nice. Well yes it is nice. So in honor of all you working stiffs that don't have the next few days off here is a little geek-tastic tribute to John Williams and Star Wars.

via videosift.com

I Like Bob Ross

I’ve decided that I am in the wrong line of business. I need to become an artist. After all if Belgian artist Jan Fabre can make a living hanging rotting vegetables in condoms from the ceiling, than certainly I can make it big time with my cans of spam magnetized to school buses filled with pygmy goats.

All I have left to do is buy the spam.

I wasn’t terribly impressed with the WTF out there today, but I guess everyday can’t be a MANDOM-Salami Fighters Association- Old Greg-Japanese Guy Wears a Horse Head to Cook Mushrooms kind of day. Instead you can be treated to some NSFW smutty British humor.

via videosift.com

I was not going to post this video mostly because I was thoroughly disappointed with the poor quality of the finished “toast landscape” being created. However the song alone is enough to make you question reality, so here it is anyway.

via videosift.com

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Where is My Primetime?

Today is the day for 24 hours of news coverage where absolutely nothing of use will be said. I think I will wait until tomorrow morning to turn on the TV and find out who is president.

Or better yet, I will watch Electric Hamster Racing until tomorrow morning, and by then I won’t care who is president.

via videosift.com

Here is a little more from the always brilliant Flight of the Conchords. It is called Bret’s Angry Dance.

via videosift.com

Monday, November 3, 2008

Monday is Sexy-time(warning no sexiness included in today’s post)

It is down to the final hours before the masses get to elect a president. This is the time when most people would try to cram down your throat the importance of voting. I am here to tell you quite the opposite. Don’t get out there and vote. Why would I say something so irresponsible you may ask? Simple, if you were not about to go out on your own and vote, then chances are you are by no means prepared to make an educated vote. The last thing that this country needs is a bunch of uninformed voters out there randomly casting a ballot because someone who has a blog, or a website, or a radio show or a television show, or has handed out a flyer, or even made one of the 673 irritating political phone calls I have received in the last month told them so. So here is my patriotic duty for the day.

If you were not thinking of voting until some one told you to vote, then please don’t vote tomorrow. If you really want to vote, then do your research, weigh all the issues, ignore the traditional media, don’t listen to just your friends. Then come next election you might be ready.

Now on to something way better than Obama and McCain…WTF!

Never scare old people. At the very least you might get some urine on your shoes, the worst you might get is this.

This one is called An Interview with Dali.

via videosift.com

Disturbingly cute, and mildly bizarre…here is a gift from the Chinese called Bobo & Toto episode 6 – Chocolate.

via videosift.com

This one plays out like one of those jokes you read in a copy of Readers Digest. Except is has the cursin’ in it.

via videosift.com

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Steve Miller Said it Best

Today is your Thursday; and just so there is no confusion I am off work tomorrow, so that means that today is Friday for me. Following that logic I deeply apologize for not posting anything on "my Thursday" (which due to my last sentence has now ceased to exist). Seeing that I am not likely to post anything at home (because my home computer is currently a large paperweight) on what could be considered "your Friday" then this post does not actually exist.

That is unless this is actually that missing post from Tuesday

This video is a song about Burt Reynolds being Batman. Why? Just because. It has much non-church acceptable language in it (so don't listen to it too loudly when you are in church).

via videosift.com

I couldn't resist yet another literal translation video because its Rick Astley for Pete's sake.

via videosift.com

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Oops, No Yesterday!

While life may be very busy for me these days, know that I will always love you and try my dandiest to bring you WTF

Here is another example of “Commercials that are to WTF for the U.S.A”.

via videosift.com

Today’s CHALLENGE!!! is from a porno. There is absolutely no sex in this clip, just terrible CG and even more terrible acting…hence the CHALLEGE!!!

via videosift.com

This video makes me think of Australia, mostly because everyone has Koala noses.

Bana Panic! from Ori Ayalon on Vimeo

The following is Angela Landsbury-tastic!!!

via videosift.com

Monday, October 27, 2008

Penis, Snickers, Little Boys, and Uranus…In that Order

Sometimes the world makes my life really easy. Need a topic for toddsift? Just go to the internets, search a few sites, and viola! Instant WTF fodder is presented to you on a silver platter.

Remember kids; Pipe is for plumbing, not penises!

I love Mr. T and I know you do as well. Mr. T loves Snickers and hell tell you all about it (as well as answer some pressing questions).

via videosift.com

I used to think that I had a lot of time on my hands, but to recreate Michael “get’em before the hair does” Jackson’s Thriller using 64 vocal samples shows that not only do you have too much time, but perhaps you don’t mind pedophilia all that much.

via videosift.com

I think that today’s last video has got to be my favorite. There is cheesy and there is figure skating. But who knew that they went so well together (I just wish that I had the whole presentation instead of just the opening credits). Feel free to make your own Uranus jokes while watching.

via videosift.com

Friday, October 24, 2008


Its Friday so shut up and enjoy.

When I was a kid PBS had Mr. Rogers and Sesame Street. Now they have things like Captain Huggy Face. Yep we’re all doomed.

via videosift.com

via videosift.com

Its too bad the quality of this video is so bad, the fart jokes really deserve better.

via videosift.com

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Shout! Shout! Shout! Shout at the Toilet!

Once again there is more evidence that all is not right in the fine state of Pennsylvania.

That now brings the wacky count up to 3.

1. Assault with a deadly gnome
2. Attacked by a dead deer
3. Winning money for cursing at toilets

It is like it has become some sort of WTF Mecca.

Here is a song about chutney.

via videosift.com

Oh you kooky Japanese. Of course we want clothes that disguise us as vending machines.

via videosift.com

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

It’s Just Not Right

Today is one of those days when the purity of a single video is quite all that is needed to sum up a 24 hour period of WTF. There may be other things that you will encounter during the course of your Wednesday that you may stop and ogle at in confusion. There may be other web videos floating in the dark corners of the internets that could be prodded from their hiding places. There could also be headlines and pictures so intentionally bizarre that they cause synaptic meltdowns in the brains of those who witness them, but all of this is certainly unnecessary because today we have The Cat with Hands.

via videosift.com

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pesky Mountains

Sometimes I wonder if there is any limit to human narcissism. Book after book will tell you that we are the master species on this planet, but I won’t believe it until some of those books are written by the other species on this planet. I can bet you that ants don’t think us too organized, and owls think that we are down right noisy. It is for these reasons, and many many many more, that I just laugh when I read headlines like this one.

Who the hell do we think that we are telling something as ancient and stoic as a mountain that it has no right being right where it is? Scientists time and time again love to make these outlandish claims when something doesn’t exactly fit into their paradigm. It is the result of practicing science very incorrectly. I wish that I had my copy of Douglas Adams’ So Long and Thanks for All the Fish, because I think that a direct quote would be far more effective, but in lieu I will give you a general run down. In his book, Adams has a character who names himself Wonko the Sane. Why does he do this? The answer is a two-parter; First he understands that the only people who need to attach sane to their name must truly be insane. Second, Wonko is a scientist, and as a good one, he realizes that to understand the world scientifically you cannot possibly understand the world as a sane person would. All of the “sane” scientists, to Wonko, are doing science through too many preconceived filters. Filters that make them make preposterous claims about mountains not belonging where mountains belong.

On to the vids

This isn’t really WTF in fact it in many ways is a literal explanation of WTF, but given the reflexive nature of the universe I guess if you are attempting to define WTF then the definition itself becomes WTF….what am I saying, just watch it.

via videosift.com

Say what you will about Keytars, Lord knows that I have not been hesitant in the past, but the very thing that makes this video WTF is the fact that this is the least Keytar-esque Keytar performance that I have ever witnessed.

via videosift.com


Tim Curry is generally a well respected actor in the world of film. I have noticed however that he will take what appears to be ANY role that comes his way. That is okay by me because it supplies me with today’s CHALLENGE!!! I fell about a minute short on my first attempt.

via videosift.com

Monday, October 20, 2008

It’s Richard, Damn it!

Oh come on…that has got to be a joke!!!

I don’t think that I will bother to top (or bottom) that one. Here is the WTF

This video just makes me want to throw my hands up and yell “I don’t know?!?!?” just in case anyone happens to be in the general vicinity. That way I can preempt any chance questions at to the possible meaning.

via videosift.com


Boy this videos makes the skin crawl, it is not for those who get grossed out easily. It is also a bit on the NSFW side for due to its sexual themes but you can have the same sense of self accomplishment that I gained by sitting through the whole thing.

By the way, the title is Scab.

via videosift.com

Friday, October 17, 2008

Imagine the Giant Omelets

I don’t know why we are still mucking around with Iraq, when Iran would be a much better target for us to attack. After all, those kooky Persians are all but begging for a big old slice of American Ass Whoopin’ by flaunting their gigantic ostrich meat sandwiches. The 1500 meter sandwich in question was created in hopes of earning a spot in the Guinness Records while promoting Iran’s ostrich farming industry. 1500 meters is just a couple hundred feet short of a mile and anyone who has the time to make a mile long sandwich filled with exotic meats must have enough time to make weapons of mass destruction. Quite frankly I believe that ostrich meat itself could be considered a weapon of mass destruction. I am also starting to wildly speculate that the mile of sandwich was just part of a much larger Middle Eastern sandwich ring. A ring, that when completed, will form the worlds largest super sandwich collider. This sandwich collider may not be able to create black holes like the Hadron Large Collider will (when ever they get that working again), but instead it will have the potential to cover the earth with an explosion of rice and lentils…a possibility that causes me to loose sleep at night.

Speaking of loosing sleep here are a few WTF videos that will give you the heebee-jeebees.

I always knew that starlings were excellent mimics, but I never realized that when they mimic they sound like the voice of Satan. While watching this I couldn’t believe that this was what these birds actually sound like, I assumed they would have a clearer voice like a parrot but after digging around the internets for more samples I found this to be a common vocalization. Here is Damar the starling, he has a lot of freaky stuff to talk about, most of it in the language of demons(he also does some R2-D2 style screatching too).

via videosift.com

This is a music video for a song called Phantom Pt. II. I kinda dig the song, but it was the very bizarre video that brought it here to roost.

via videosift.com

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Dogs, Leeks and Rosie O’Donnell Acting Natural

I feel justified that I have a website because every one else does. Isn’t that the way life works? Society says: “if everyone is doing it, you can too”. I bring this up because I just found out that there is a website called upsidedowndogs.com

It is nothing more than a collection of pictures of dogs lying on their backs taken upside down.

It is quite hilarious in its simplicity. I think that I may go their often to check for updates.

The Japanese have officially run out of fetishes and have now resorted to just plain silliness. Here is a girl with what appears to be a very large leek doing a little dance. This could possibly be considered NSFW due to a brief up-skirt shot.

via videosift.com


Through the decades actors have been drawn to roles where the character they are playing has mental disabilities. I am sure that this could not possibly have something to do with great financial and critical success that they achieve when they pull these roles off successfully; they are certainly doing it for the art of their craft. Sean Penn, Tom Hanks, Billy Bob Thornton, and Dustin Hoffman all managed to gracefully and tactfully engage the audience with their portrayals… but then Rosie O’Donnell decided to give it a go and as a result there is this debacle. I made it all the way through and so can you!

via videosift.com

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Day Late Dollar Short II (Scroll Down and Read Part I First)

As I was saying, you Bastards, you should also be grateful that I took time out of my busy Wednesday to search out a write a post for Wednesday. Seriously what do you people want…Blood from a Turnip?

Okay I have calmed down now, its not you fault that I am not used to doing work at work. I just have to completely learn how to arrange my time so that I can efficiently…wait a minute did I just use the phrase Blood from a Turnip?

Why yes, apparently I did. What does that even mean? Who are these people going around squeezing turnips in search for blood? Even more disturbing, who are these people going around with the sole purpose of looking for blood? Perhaps it is a secret society of pacifist vampires sworn to an oath of no neck biting, or maybe this is just another desperate attempt by the American Red Cross to top off their supplies. I don’t know, and I don’t want to know. Some truths are just too frightening.

And who are these people growing turnips still; it’s such a 20th century vegetable. Get with the times Farmer Brown.

Got Lots of goodies for you today (and by today I mean the post that actually belongs to today’s date. Not that I am implying that the videos that I posted today to make up for yesterday weren’t goodies in their own right, I am just saying that these videos are also goodies and should be looked upon in such light to enhance your enjoyment of them).

Here is Detective Mittens – The Crime Solving Cat. Enjoy!

via videosift.com

Perhaps you recall the rathergood.com characters, the Spongemonkies, from their Quiznos commercials, perhaps you know them from the site itself, perhaps you have even seen Can you Imagine a World with Hover Bacon?, perhaps you would like to see it again? Perhaps you can click the play button then?

via videosift.com

Speaking of having seen stuff before, the other day I put up a few videos from weebl, here is another. Don’t watch it if cartoon penises offend you easily.

via videosift.com

I am starting to feel as if I am rather unoriginal today because I can’t help but feel that I have posted this video before, but I love the song so much that I am posting it (possibly for a second time) anyway.

via videosift.com


The following video is a 4 minutes and 41 second example of extreme social ineptitude. As I attempted to make it through I was assailed by a myriad of emotions; pity, fear, disgust, and confusion. I did not make it all the way to the end… I may try again some day.

via videosift.com

Day Late Dollar Short

This is Tuesday’s post. Yes I realize that it is Wednesday, but I was rather busy on Tuesday both at work and at home. You should just feel grateful that I took the time on Wednesday to do what I should have made the time on Tuesday to do. You Bastards.

Scott tipped me off to these guys some time last week and I think that they super-cool-awesome-neeto!

Here is the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Brittan doing the Theme Song from Shaft and then The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Deer Abby

Pennsylvania scares me a little. If you recall back in the end of August I wrote a post about a Pennsylvania man who used a garden gnome as a deadly weapon…I thought that was weird. However after reading an article about a man who was attacked by a dead deer while walking his dog, I don’t think that I will ever set foot into the Keystone State. Bear with me as I pull out a few key points from the above sentence just in case you missed them the first time through.

man…walking dog…attacked by deer…dead.

It happened that this Pennsylvanian was walking by the side of the road, the opposite of which was occupied by a truck, which happened to strike a deer killing it and flinging it across the road striking him and causing him suffer from a minor head wound.

That is God sending a message, and I certainly hope this gentleman heard it and was able to interpret it, because it certainly makes no sense to me.

To add to the silliness of it all the man’s last name is Hippo.

Now the WTF (at least in video form).

I am not sure if this is actually a local commercial, or a parody of a local commercial that is done so well that it accurately resembles a local commercial.

via videosift.com

In the spirit of equal time for political candidates, here is could be considered the answer to the John McCain and his Vegetable Friends song.

via videosift.com

Friday, October 10, 2008

Under a Deadline

I don’t have a whole lot of time today to make this a truly quality toddsift post, but I would not be happy with myself if I didn’t at least give you something to look at. Besides, I have to keep on the move, because I think and extremist Muslim group is out to kill me for not (in their opinion) equally representing their side in yesterday’s great chick pea debate.

Here is the WTF

Here is a couple from an animator who goes by the moniker weebl. First is an episode of his reoccurring series Cat Face.

via videosift.com

Here is one of his shorts called Hot Tamales.

via videosift.com

Now that I have a new baby in the house perhaps I should run right out and pick some of this up for her.

via videosift.com

Thursday, October 9, 2008

(chick)Peas in the Middle East

Time and time again there seems to be this wacky notion that one day there will be a lasting peace between the nations of the Middle East, especially between Israel and Lebanon. John Lennon may have been a dreamer, and I am sure that he was not the only one; but as someone, whose pessimistic world view is deeply rooted in the evidence of the fallibility of the human condition, I would be willing to lay a large sum of money Israel and Lebanon will never be best buddies. If you were to completely ignore the fact that turmoil in the region has its most recent roots right after WWII when the nation of Israel became the proverbial “parting gift” for the plighted and misplaced European Jews, and ignore the fact that it was under English rule in the 1930s when Palestine was split and a large portion was taken from the Arab Muslim population, you will see that centuries of slow and multifaceted Zionism has lead to thousands of Sons and Daughters of Abraham to return to their promised Canaan against the will of their neighbors. As you look farther and farther back in time you can also see a reoccurring pattern of change in ownership of the region. It is like looking at the ebb and flow of the sea, but instead of water picture thousands of yarmulkes washing back and forth across most of the eastern hemisphere. The failure of the Third Crusade allowed the way for the Zionistic Pilgrims to return to a country that they had been dispersed from in the First Crusade. Heading back farther we find the formerly controlling Roman Empire loosing its grip on the region when it split into the Eastern and Byzantium Empires. Further back still The Maccabees (you know those guys that made Hanukkah all the rage) won independence from Alexander the Great’s Hellenized version of Israel. Hundreds of years before Alex the Great got his Greek paws on the Land of Milk and Honey, Israel was free. Its freedom came with the cost of an oath of support to the Nation of Persia. Why did they owe Persia such a favor? They owed them because Persia had previously defeated Babylon and freed the Jews from the clutches of Babylonian exile.

Don’t even get me started on the whole Egypt thing.

Needless to say this region of the world has been in trouble for a long long time and this is only one side of the story (there are at least 3 others that you can be sure of).

You could ignore the history and go straight to the religious route and see that both the Hebrew population and the Muslim population fervently believe that this tiny nation, no bigger than the state of Massachusetts, was given to them by God. Here is the real kicker, they both believe in the same God.

That is where I used to think most of the problems in the region stemmed from…a general disagreement over a Heavenly Manifest. That was until I read an article from the Haaretz (an English printed Israeli newspaper) that enlightened me to a cultural clash that may have even farther reaching consequences than a difference in religion. This is the headline.

Lebanese union to sue Israel for 'claiming ownership' of falafel

After reading the article I was stunned to find out that the problem is not just falafel but hummus and tabouleh as well…GASP!!!! It turns out that the Lebanese union feels that it is unfair that Israel would profit from the sales of these Mid East food staples, because they are (in their opinion) a clear invention of the Lebanese. I cannot wholly blame the people of Lebanon, if I had recipes that had such diverse ingredients like chick peas, garlic, parsley, garlic, chick peas, olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, garlic, and chick peas I would hold onto the claim that they were mine quite zealously. Of course on the other hand I can understand why the Israelites would want to share such delicacies with the world, delicacies that can be severed in such diverse ways like on pita bread, and in pita bread, and not to mention, with a side of pita bread.

There simply is just no way that I see these cultures with their shockingly different religious deity…oh wait same God…Ok I don’t think that there is any way that these two cultures with their culinary diversity…oh, wait again… chick peas, garlic and olive oil versus chick peas, garlic and olive oil?

Perhaps John Lennon was right; maybe someday I should join him so the world can live as one.

YEAH RIGHT!!! AS IF!!! He married Yoko and broke up The Beatles, like I would follow his advice.

Next Stop!!! WTF!!!

I am not one who likes to get political on my site (as least not in a serious real world way) but how could I pass up this video from the creators of Charley the Unicorn? Besides it really doesn’t lean clearly right or left wing because it is just so bizarre.

via videosift.com

Sickeningly cute? Check! Slightly Dark? Check! Mildly irritating? Check! Sounds like WTF to me.

via videosift.com


I would normally find it against every moral fiber of my soul to classify anything that Mr. T does as a CHALLENGE!!! But this is just painful to watch.

via videosift.com

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Dirty Birds

It is sexual deviance day here at toddsift. When I set out this morning I did not have an inkling of the salacious nature that today’s post would embody, but much like Mother Theresa, sometimes you just don’t see these things cumming… da-dum-dum! Seriously though, with the amount of smut penetrating the web these days I am certain that a great portion of it would fall into the category of WTF, however I suppose that most of the carnal videos that would inspire one’s jaw to drop are safely tucked away from the masses on private pay sites. If there is one thing I will not do it is pay for the content to put on my own site, I have far too many important expenses that I blow my wad on every month. Besides, I would like to believe that this site handles itself with a little class and doesn’t just bend over and take it to the lowest common denominator. Sure, some of my humor is crude and immature but I generally try to keep it more towards the subtle side as opposed to just hammering at it over and over again until there is nothing left but a sweaty sticky quivering mass of exhausted yet satisfied ideas. All that being said, seeing that today is hump day I figure that a little titillation won’t hurt anyone. I think that it is time to strip away our inhibitions, take a deep breath and slide right into the deep dark places that cause tingles down below. After all…penis vagina oral nipple orgasm sixty-nine missionary grinding doggy-style throbbing reverse cowgirl money shot…and you can take that to the bank.

Lego has been around for what seems like forever, and quite frankly I am sure they have wound up inappropriate places many times, but I think that this is the first time that I have seen them used specifically to construct a machine for an inappropriate purpose. Presenting for your shock (or enjoyment it that is your thing) the Lego Fuck-o-Matic.

via videosift.com

Given the nature of today’s post I shouldn’t have to warn you that the following video contains language and themes that might not be so appropriate for the work place, but I am going to anyway. This video is about what you should not do with your house pets and it contains language and themes that might not be so appropriate for the work place.

via videosift.com

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Can’t…comprehend…starting to….black…out

As if that picture was not enough here is a video for you to watch, Exploding Banana Mask should sum it up for you.

via videosift.com

This seems reasonably tame in comparison, but it certainly is WTF none the less.

via videosift.com

Because why stop at Troll when you can make a crappy sequel?

via videosift.com

Monday, October 6, 2008

Haven’t Been There or Done That

For decades the U.S. has always taken a chiding on how far behind its education programs are in comparison to the rest of the world. Until today I have come to our defense with the argument that there is only a need for so many doctors and lawyers, but there will always be a need for the less formally trained creative entrepreneurs. There have been many a great American success stories that have started with a penniless high school drop out, and those stories have fueled the hopes of many across the globe. However after reading a somewhat disturbing article about an Austrian man and the length of his creativity I fear that we Yanks have become complacent. Being behind in math and science is one thing, but when we can’t even compete creatively with somewhere as humdrum as Austria we are headed for a major disaster. The economy is in shambles, the housing market is in the pooper, no one is buying our bus sized fossil fuel guzzling cars any more, and I am beginning to believe it is due in some part to a nation wide creative slump. All we mass produce anymore is remakes of all the crap we mass produced decades ago and, as consumers, we continue to accept it. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Cabbage Patch Dolls, Star Wars Episodes I, II and III are just a sampling of the rehashed fodder that the typical consumer is force feeding their children in hopes of reliving a bit of their own upbringing through them. Remember way back in 1999 when the Wachowski brothers introduced us to a new concept in the science fiction genre with a little film called The Matrix? People were blown away not only with the cutting edge special effects, but with a story line that truly felt original (yeah, yeah I know Plato thought of it first, but he didn’t make movies). What happened next was a truly sad story of consumer whoredom…the public demanded more. The Brothers W were more than compliant with the concept of producing sequels. Unfortunately “Joe Popcorn” settled into his seat expecting to see Neo kick some machine ass again in a bigger badder retelling of the first movie and was instead treated to a plot line that pulled the rug out from under his feet…”Joe” was despondent. By the end of the third movie a large portion of those who chose to stick the trilogy out just for the sake of closure couldn’t wrap their heads around the death of the hero (a theme quite common in eastern storytelling…the primary source of inspiration for The Matrix Trilogy). I myself remember feeling betrayed, but like most great stories (life included); I slowly realized the brilliance of a tale is not in its ending, but in the entire journey…the Wachowski Brothers knew this too. I proudly own all three movies, and still watch them to this day when I want to be reminded of that fact (or when I want to see shit blow up in super slow motion). I guess I don’t expect the stereotypical American to change their mindset about accepting what is handed them, but instead I hope that there are more than a few non-stereotypical American minds out there willing to take a new stab at what ever they pursue in life. Then maybe we won’t fall so far behind the Austrians of this world.

Oh yeah, I realize that I never told you what this Austrian fellow did that was so darn creative. I turns out he made his very own flame-thrower for the simple purpose of killing his in-laws…Now that is what I call original.

You would think that after a week off I would have found a plethora of videos, but I think that the WTF gnomes come and clear up the mess as soon as possible, so here are just a few treats for you.

This one is a bit long and boy howdy is it messed up, but it has a disarmingly simple title: Rabbit

This one is a bit short and boy howdy is it messed up, but you have to admire the extremely smooth stop frame animation.

via videosift.com

Finally here is a picture that our beloved and well missed Andy sent out last week. If you were not cool enough to make the email list here it is for your enjoyment.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Due to a Lack of Sleep

Psst....over here....its me todd. Yeah I kinda have to whisper right now, you see I have a brand new baby in the house and If I wake her up I'll probably have to pay for it with 72 hours of fussing and crying. I make no promises about updating this week, but I will try to keep an eye out for fresh WTF and If I find that I have nothing better to do during the 3am feedings, I just might post it.

See you soon,

A 4 day old's bitch
