After the weak showing of last week’s posts you think that I should be a little wiser when it comes to finding and doling out the random mess the internets create. When most creative types hit a good streak, and really crank out their product, they usually (if smart) squirrel some away for days that they are not so “on the ball”. I don’t do that with this site. If I find something, that is good, if I find two, that is even better. If I find an entire menagerie, then I tip the cornucopia and allow its bounties to pour forth. Like the ancient Greek hedonistic culture this web site is dedicated to extremism…extremism and male groping. I know that there will be days when the well runs dry and the internets only hold conventional comedy videos and the occasional frat boy pranks, but I will not be a greedy tyrant, hording all the rich tapestries of non-sense to myself only to show them to my peasants after I have taxed their lands into submission. I also know that most of my sentences have about three sentences worth of content in them, and therefore should be grammatically revised, but I will not. I will not be the Hoover Dam of the internet, blocking random content for the purpose of creating clean energy and allowing regulated irrigation in three states, while simultaneously creating a tourist attraction for those who get bored of the Las Vegas Grind. In fact, to quote Meatloaf,
“I would do anything for love…but I won’t do that!”
I am pretty sure he was talking about the fore-mentioned male groping, but it works in this case as well.
When you spend too much time on the internets (no, that is not a typo, it is what people who spent too much time on the internets call the internets) you start to notice that cats are quite prolific in the online communities. I think the main reason is that internet people are not generally out-doorsy people or even social people in the traditional sense. Dogs, by nature, are both out-doorsy and social, and therefore do not have time to write blogs and post videos. This first video I heard about this morning on the radio. It comes from a cat dancing instructional web site that offers classes and books on the subject of cat dancing.
Yes I said Cat Dancing.
Feline Dance Classes
Here is Nora, I don’t think she likes to dance, but she loves to play the piano. By play the piano I mean irritate the crap out of Nora’s owner’s piano students. Seriously, how the hell are you supposed to pick up the subtleties of Ode to Joy, when Nora, A.K.A the Liberace of the feline world, is incessantly hammering on the E above Middle C. It makes me want to punt this little “Pussy of the Do Ra Mi” off the piano bench.
Have I mentioned I am actually not fan of cats, I prefer dogs.
Now that we have Youtube, our ability to view really crappy videos upon demand has grown exponentially. We not only have the ability to see crap that has been created in our neighborhoods and countries, but we can see the best crap other countries have to offer. Once we have seen them we can subtitle them. But why just subtitle a clip when you can subtitle the foreign language with what it sounds like what they are saying in English. Enjoy Benny Lava. Yes it is a bit grating and repetitive to begin with, but the “translations” get more interesting as it goes on. Thank Brian for this one.
Sometimes “translations” are needed even if the language is your own. Here is a delightful video of an upstanding young lady on a subway. - Watch more free videos
Of course what would this site be if there weren’t at least a weekly appearance by the Japanese? The first from the land of sushi is a commercial for Pocky, a chocolate (or other flavor) covered cookie stick. Pocky G is a product marketed to the Japanese who are willing to take their snacking to the extreme.
Speaking of extreme Japanese, here is a movie trailer for that same group. Perhaps if you could read Japanese you would be able to tell if this was some sort of porno, or snuff film. I personally find the mystery of it more enjoyable.
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