Friday, May 16, 2008

If a Robot Cries, Does it Rust?

I am worried about a robot uprising, I have been for a long time. Recently Honda’s creepy little bipedal robot ASIMO directed the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. I can tell you that it makes me shudder to know that “that thing” was in my area, and I was totally unprepared. I certainly would have stocked up on shotgun ammo and barred my doors had I known. You may think that I am being a bit mellow-dramatic, but if sci-fi writing and movies have anything to say about the future, conduction an orchestra is only the beginning. Next thing you know the little ASIMOs of the world won’t be satisfied with just conducting orchestras for our amusement. They will want to learn to drive cars, and vote, and eventually we will have the whole robot marriage issue to deal with. They will make (literally) their own babies, but they will make them better, and smarter, and stronger. Then one day a robot will run for president, and because we will all be tired of the useless two party system, we (the ignorant fleshy masses) will elect it. That is when the real trouble will begin, because the robot president’s foreign policies will be lousy. We will find ourselves invading countries like China, and India, because they use child labor, instead of “the more fair and proper” robot labor. Of course we won’t send the robot troupes; they will be too expensive to use on such police state wars. Instead specially trained cows with C-4 strapped to them will be used. This will astronomically raise the price of beef and McDonalds and Burger King will go bankrupt, ending an era in America where all things were pure. I don’t want that to be the future laid out for my children, and I don’t think you do either. So I say; DAMN the walking robots, DAMN the talking robots, DAMN the attempts at artificial intelligence, DAMN the Scientologists, DAMN skinny legged jeans, and DAMN all the Emo kids out there, we will fight for our future!

Ok, now that I go that out of my system, here is something else to give you the creeps. I can understand the need to be creative; I can even get behind the concept of this amalgamation of movement and music, but I cannot understand why it has to sound like the music that plays whenever the boogieman comes out of the closet at night.


I can never get enough of overdubbed clips, which is evident, because here are two more.



There are some things in this world that will still be more frightening that a robot uprising, but they will come from Japan as well.


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