You see, the gnome plight has worsened with the recent discovery of the inter-gardenation of the Gnome’s homeland. It would seem that a band of foreigners are moving in on the poor gnomes. Gnomes are naturally very kind and loving garden adornments. Their culture is peaceful and they only tend to upset the balance of nature in order to survive. These foreign objects, these self proclaimed masters of the land have shown up after generations of gnome residence.

Seen above, this gnome is a prime example of the happy well adjusted
garden adorning, peaceful nature respecting creatures that gnomes
are historically known for.
Unfortunately there is a dark side to the gnomes since they have been displaced by the resin zombies, and undergarment showing ladies. Gnomes being given a “safe zone” will only relegate the gnomes to a life of solitude and contempt towards the modern master of the garden, the resin zombies. They will ultimately be forgotten about, sidewalks built through their zombie free gnome zones. They will develop drug habits that will prematurely age them into a withered sad shell of their once proud selves.
Unfortunately there is a dark side to the gnomes since they have been displaced by the resin zombies, and undergarment showing ladies. Gnomes being given a “safe zone” will only relegate the gnomes to a life of solitude and contempt towards the modern master of the garden, the resin zombies. They will ultimately be forgotten about, sidewalks built through their zombie free gnome zones. They will develop drug habits that will prematurely age them into a withered sad shell of their once proud selves.

Emaciated gnomes suffer from narcotic addictions while other gnomes
live a secluded life in the gnome save zone
live a secluded life in the gnome save zone
Crime will ultimately be the next development in this sad social decline.

Then the police will begin to profile the once proud race of lawn protectors

Then the Gnomes will have a terrible time with unfair public perceptions
They will be looked upon to perform sexual favors to earn money for the further development of the Gnome safe zones…
They will be looked upon to perform sexual favors to earn money for the further development of the Gnome safe zones…

Terrible fate for a noble, free ceramic man bestiality is not uncommon in the sexual gnome underground
Before long the gnomes will be singled out in the professional workplace and told they are being “downsized” for the sake of the company. You saw the profits from the last quarter earnings report. The company is as healthy as it has ever been. Gnomes know its profiling, and it’s very apparent indeed.
Before long the gnomes will be singled out in the professional workplace and told they are being “downsized” for the sake of the company. You saw the profits from the last quarter earnings report. The company is as healthy as it has ever been. Gnomes know its profiling, and it’s very apparent indeed.

Gnomes losing their jobs because they are being profiled as troublemakers
Soon the public outcries begin in the gnome communities
Soon the public outcries begin in the gnome communities
The proud ceramic masters of the garden begin to lash out in public

The gnomes are not earning any respect from the new resin people. This land was once theirs and theirs alone!
The last sad development is the lynching of the gnomes by men.
The last sad development is the lynching of the gnomes by men.

This is a terrible development and a gruesome shame on our society. Something must be done!!! Please get active, tell the world the plight of the gnomes! For if you don’t then the gnomes will decline further and the world will be a much worse place without them standing shoulder to shoulder with us in the pursuit of liberty and justice.
Help a gnome today!
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