How do they cope with the hot summer weather? They cope by drinking eel drink of course. Unagi Nobori (Surging Eel) has found its way into the marketplaces of Japan, complimenting the upcoming eel season. The energy drink is made with your typical energy drink mish mash of water, vitamins, carbonation, and of course extracts from the skull and bones of an eel. You really cannot be too shocked; everyone knows that Red Bull must contain at least 15% Bull, and that Rock Star Energy Drink certainly is distilled from the sweat of real rock stars. I myself will never purchase Monster Energy Drink simply because I know that their claims are false…there is no such thing as monsters, therefore there cannot be any traceable amounts of monster in it. Unagi Nobori does give me an excellent idea though. You see, all these years I have just given my dog the water that I drained from the tuna can, but those days are over.
Don’t worry, when I become a millionaire from selling this product, I won’t forget all the little people who have been there for me all these years.
Only one video Todd?!?!?
Yes, there need be only one.
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