Friday, June 6, 2008

Death, Rebirth, and Cartwheels

The man that invented the Pringles can recently died, as you might have guessed he was cremated and buried in a Pringles can. At first I thought that this was brilliant, but then I became saddened when I realized the big opportunity that had been missed. Why stop with simply putting his ashes in the can, when his family could have mixed them with a few choice ingredients, lightly fried them and make him into a nifty stack of Man-Pringles. Grief can make us miss some of the best chances in life.

If you think that I am off base with my concept of Man-Pringles, check out the body part bread this Korean artist/baker creates. As Billy noted; the kiddies can never get enough of the peanut butter and face sandwiches.


I like many have been waiting for the resurgence of Steven Segal’s career…the wait is over.


As a kid my parents were rather strict on what movies my brother and I could watch. I used to be resentful, but after seeing the trailer for Saturn 3 I am glad my childhood was spared such pain.


I think that if I were to try cart wheeling my arms would snap like dry vermicelli under the weight of my spherical midsection.


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