That man is Don Yovicsin and he is the owner of Jake’s Roadhouse in Waltham, Massachusetts. Don makes his own Vodka. As a bar owner, this make a tremendous amount of sense, but what doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me is the kind of Vodka he makes. I wonder how observant you were when you looked at the above photograph. Did you notice the label? Go ahead and take a second look.
I realize the resolution isn’t so grand, but I am certain that you noticed this time that the vodka is flavored with…bacon (not to mention the meat stir stick). What would posses a person to want to pair these two items? Don says that he was inspired by his love of bacon, and encouragement from friends. However, beside the desire to make the bloody marry a more socially acceptable breakfast drink, there must be another driving force behind this concoction. Again we exercise our powers of observation and return to the original photograph.
Look specifically at his eyes.
Look closer…
Closer yet.
Starting to see something?
Yes there is definitely something there.
Ah Ha!! There it is! There is definitely crazy in that man’s eyes. Crazy would certainly drive someone to infuse one of the harshest tasting boozes with all the goodness that the porcine population can bring us!
Now if you excuse me I have to go mix mackerel into my tapioca.
Many times I find videos from other countries that do to a language barrier, I find simply bizarre because I don’t understand the context in which they belong. Here is one of those videos that I don’t think it would matter, because I believe that there is no context in which it belongs.
This video makes the grade because it is of the first ever graduate from the prestigious Fred and Sharon School of Music.
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