I was surprised that someone was able to get such a clear shot of Hurricane Gustav, and even more surprised to learn that he arrived inland via a bicycle. The beard certainly says Gustav, but all this talk of his power seems a gross overstatement when you see the kinds of tree branches he is able to knock over. Perhaps I am just a little disappointed…you see this is the image of Gustav that I had formed in my head.
Now that is what I would call a grand storm with a proud German heritage. I am also bummed out over the fact that Gustav couldn’t have hung in the Gulf of Mexico a few more weeks so that its arrival would have timed better with Oktoberfest. Oh well I guess if I always had it my way I would be King of all Puddings and live high atop a mountain in my palace of Q-Tips and I would shower the people of the valley below with gifts of steak and daffodils.
See how much better my world would be?
As King I would adopt this adorable little jingle about cheese as my kingdom’s national anthem.
via videosift.com
As all good monarchs of fantasy kingdoms, I would have a nemesis. My nemesis would be The Invisible Girl, as sung about in this song. I think Invisible Tube-top might have been better title for this video. More than once I thought that top was going to bypass Areola-Land and go straight to Nippleville.
via videosift.com
This video is the very definition of painful. See if you can outlast my time of 2 minutes 12 seconds.
via videosift.com
* This is one of the first phrases I learned while taking German in Junior High…translate for hilarity.
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