Thursday, September 4, 2008


There is so much to watch today that I will not overburden you with one of my rants. I think that there is a little something for everyone, so enjoy…or don’t (I won’t put that kind of pressure on you).

Say what you will about the blatant rip-offs that you see pouring out of “Bollywood” these days, but you have to admit these guys certainly know how to put together a very elaborate and thoroughly confusing dance number. I keep trying to wrap my head around what sort of plot this would fit into. All I know is that I want the outfit the leading man appears in around the three minute mark (you know, for weddings and funerals and such).


I know when I was growing up in the 80’s I always felt left out. The cool kids all hung out on the corner and had their venereal diseases, while the rest of us just went about our daily lives not having VD. If only I had grown up in the 60’s this PSA might have given me the confidence to go out there and contract my very own case of herpes or dare I even say it…syphilis?


This video is called Weird-O-Rama and it is one of those videos that I have to ponder long and hard over. While watching it I said to myself “Is this too blatantly WTF? So much so that it negates the otherwise purity of naturally occurring WTF?” but then the Llama started screaming.

weird-o-rama from focusmatic on Vimeo.

I have never seen anyone get electrocuted by a bunch of grapes before, but I can assure you that once I did, I had to watch it again and again.


I have often expressed my fears of a robot revolution, and yet at the same time I have always been fascinated and entertained by robots…Just not as much as the Japanese are fascinated and entertained by robots. If you know anything about Anime you know that a healthy dose of it generally involves human piloted robots fighting other human piloted robots using gigantic medieval weaponry. So what better way to train the youth of Japan for the inevitable future of gladiatorial mechanical battles then this enriching interactive display?


If the Japanese will eventually use robots to fight their battles, then we Americans will certainly use our robots to eat doughnuts.


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