Another fascinating aspect to the word Phwoar is that those people, whose job it is to put stuff in the OED, have chosen to accept the non-phonetic Greek “Ph” beginning instead of a more common “F” giving the illusion of a richer etymology. Linguists can now spend days arguing which ancient poem of Homer did the early origins of Phwoar make its first appearance.
Linguist 1: In the subtext of the Iliad, Homer clearly mentions an orgy of snakelike beasts named the Phwortes.
Linguist 2: That occurrence surely is predated in Homers early work, Batrachomyomachia in which Homer speaks of the Phwoatus, a four headed wolf guardian.
Guy who just happens to be sitting at the next table over while trying to make use of the Starbucks free Wi-Fi connection so that he can watch the latest WTF posted daily at, but is growing increasingly impatient with the two linguists: Shut up already!
All in all, this sparks in me a desire. My desire is to make sure that the word Xwaksibee makes in onto the pages of the Oxford English Dictionary. I do not care what the actual definition turns out to be, I will let society determine that. Just as long as I use it loud enough and long enough, I cannot fail. Now all I have to do is save up enough money for a plane ticket to London.
Think of today’s WTF triple collection as a sandwich. A sandwich made with love, where the first and last videos act as the soft doughy Wonder Bread to the mind-jarring pimento loaf that has got to be strangest music video I have seen to date.
I ease you in with a parody of James Blunt’s Beautiful
Now comes the part where you regret buying that oddly aggregated luncheon meat, and regret even further that you are eating it on a sandwich.
Now we come back to the sweet mercy of Sharon (of the Fred and Sharon Movies fame) trying to sell her wares to Jack Nicholson.
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