Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Lasers Say Pew Pew Pew!

Great, just great! Now that I can’t smoke laser printers anymore, what ever will I do to settle my stomach after eating a large meal of compact disc players?

Here is today’s WTF

I don’t speak Spanish; this song, titled “Hijo de Puta”, could be completely offensive for those of you who do speak Spanish. I really don’t care; I just thought that I would warn you. For those of you who speak non-Spanish the title of the song is roughly translated as “Son of a Whore”, although I have heard far more crass definitions for the word Puta.


It seems to me that I am finding more and more music videos these days that defy explanation. This is one of those videos. Stick around to the end the crescendo is simply delicious.


I hate people who use food descriptors to describe non-food items…

…but not nearly as much as I would hate Yompi. Watch and I think that you would agree.


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