Thursday, November 13, 2008

1/3 of all Towns in England end in “Bury”

I found an article today; here is the headline and enough of the body to get to my point.

'Try something new today...' blundering Sainsbury's gives booklet on sex positions to eight-year-olds

By Andrew LevyLast updated at 2:02 AM on 13th November 2008
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They probably expected a goody bag of some sorts as a going home gift after the primary school trip to Sainsbury's.
But what the 42 children - not to mention their parents and teachers - did not expect was to be given a book with explicit illustrations of sexual positions.

Okay, I understand that mistakes happen, but this has me thoroughly outraged. I cannot even begin to encapsulate my anger into words refined enough to be comprehensible. To think that this kind of carelessness could go unchecked makes my blood boil and quite frankly I feel ill to my stomach. The helpless victims of this atrocity were nothing but innocent second graders who should have been treated to an afternoon of frivolity and excitement, but no, instead they were forced to take their field trip to the local grocery chain. Yes, that is right, you heard me Sainsbury is a grocery store. What kind of field trip is that? At least when I was a child we were able to go to the roller rink, or to the zoo. Apparently teachers in England think that the class room is not dull enough. They have to make their outings to local businesses that children are inherently irritated by. I imagine this trip must have gone over about as well as last year’s trip to the homework factory, or even the year before when the then new kindergarteners were trekked to the steamed broccoli convention. Sickening outrage I tell you!!!

Oh yeah… there was something about porn in that article too, but I couldn’t get past the whole “grocery store” thing enough to read the article to find out about that part.

The more times change, the more they stay the same. Adults will always attempt to teach their kids by using the latest slang…and using it completely wrong.



Ummm I am not really sure? It is one of those videos that seem to make sense while not making sense at all. I did manage to make it all the way through though. There are some suggestively animated sequences included, so consider your self warned.


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