Thursday, February 28, 2008

I Love Mr. Alan's Shoes

The last couple of days I have been posting a 2for. Always striving to outdo myself I figured the only thing better than a 2for would be a 2for 2for. I guess I could have just done a 4for, but then I realized Mr. Alan’s has made a killing off of the 2for deals for years. Here is one crappy internet video for $29.95, or 2for fiddy, or in this case, 2for 2for fiddy fiddy.

First up… a couple for the kiddies out there. I can tell you that I love children, as long as they are mine. I have never been to fond of other people’s children, and sadly even after having my own, I still don’t care much for the carpet runners spat forth from other’s procreation. Oh well I guess that goes along with being an elitist.



For the second 2for, we have a couple of military recruiting videos from Asia. If we had videos like this in the U.S., I wouldn’t hesitate signing up. And by signing up, I mean signing other peoples children up. Damn those little bastards.



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