Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Till Death and Death and Death….and Death

A Kentucky woman just made history by being the first woman to be formally charged with bigamy. Here is the kicker; this is a picture of the woman.

Yes ladies and gentlemen this woman was able to convince four different men to marry her. I don’t know how she did it because comparatively I find myself more turned on by the image of Clint Howard all tarted up with whore makeup and a blond wig.

I guess in the big picture there are more variables that must come into play.

1. This is Kentucky after all.
2. Who knows what the men look like, you could be talking about 4 of these;

3. These men may spend much more time looking at the back of her head, if you get my drift.

All I know is that the lesson that we can take from this is: There is somebody out there for everybody. Just make sure that that somebody hasn’t married three other somebodies before they got to you.

Even if you don’t speak fluent German as I do, I think that you would still get a kick out of this bent take on Bert and Ernie. Did I mention that I speak fluent German*


There is no better combination than narcotics and extinct creatures.


I think the point of this video is to confuse you so much that you become gay. I didn’t make it more than 1:53 into this video, but I did shuttle to the end so that I had some sense of closure.


*By fluent German I mean rather broken German**

**By rather broken German I mean English***

***By English I mean a form of communication that only uses a series of clicks and whistles.

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