Thursday, September 11, 2008

Choose Your Own toddsift

While contemplating what to write today I found myself almost overwhelmed. Do I go all “mainstream” and mention the fact that today is 9/11? No, there are far too many facets to that subject, and quite frankly I believe that it will be more than hammered to death today already (take your moment of silence if you want to). The Large Hadron Collider is something that has been scaring the heebee jeebees out of me as of late, but that again is something that has been all over the media and internet (don’t be lulled into a feeling of safety just yet, it will be months before they actually collide things). I could speak to the fact that Andy (Awesome’s Stepfather and creator of this blog) will soon be leaving us to pursue a career with greater potential. However I think I shouldn’t be the one to profess another’s personal decisions to the masses before they have a chance to. Mulling all of this over lead me to the decision that what I would write about today was all of the things that I could have written about today, but in a vague non-committal sort of way. This way I have placed the ball in your court, dear visitor, allowing you the ultimate freedom of choice. So here is some blank space to paint your own imagery…enjoy.

Okay, now that all that esoteric bullshit is out of the way, here is the WTF.

I think that an introduction would just tarnish the shiny beauty of this clip, so here you go.

This video however I felt needed not so much an intro as much as it needed a warning. THIS IS INTENDED TO DISTURB YOU, AND DISTURB YOU IT WILL, IF IT DOESN”T DISTURB YOU, YOU MUST ALREADY BE DISTURBED!!!


Is this a CHALLENGE??? Perhaps only if you do not like things that are so terrible that they are so awesome. Personally I enjoyed all 4 minutes of this music video.


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