Wednesday, September 3, 2008

It Goes Flat if You Shake It

A little known U.S. company known as the Coca-Cola Co. is doing something a little unheard of these days. They are dealing with China, but not in the way that you would expect. Instead of letting China produce New Coke (now with 10% more G.H.B.) like most other companies are doing, they are actually buying the Huiyuan Juice Company. Imagine that, a U.S. company taking advantage of a foreign economy. That is nearly as amazing as say…requiring all foreign companies to make their products on our soil using our labor… but why get carried away. For now we can just be content knowing that a U.S. company is actually taking advantage of a rapidly expanding foreign market instead of sending U.S. jobs to that rapidly expanding foreign market.

If this doesn’t put a smile on your face then you must be a damn dirty communist.


Quite frankly, anything that comes from the website is almost immediately up for consideration for my site. In all actuality you could just go there on a daily basis and get the WTF that you need. I would hope however, that you come to my site any way for its engrossing dialogue and whimsical stories (much like the people that get subscriptions to Playboy for the articles).

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