Friday, September 12, 2008

When will Denny’s Come Out with the Siam Slam?

After watching an episode of Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern last night I have decided that the Thai people are secretly playing a big joke on all of us English speaking folk. In the episode Mr. Zimmern visited many a small Thai village with a sexually suggestive sounding name. The same syllables kept creeping up in these village names. Syllables like kok, bang, and hung. Now obviously these words are completely innocuous to the Thais because this is their language, but to me I cannot help giggling like a prepubescent school girl every time I hear about the city of Bangkok. I think the real clincher was when the show started off on the island of Phuket. Anyone who knows anything about Thai pronunciation will tell you that Poo-Ket is the way to say it, but it will be forever sealed in my mind as Fuck it. I think that this suggestive naming convention is Thailand’s revenge for Rogers and Hammerstein’s The King and I. I don’t think the Thai people liked having a musical that portrayed their King as a stubborn backasswards dictator that could only be softened and converted through the love of an independent English woman. I think as a result, they started deliberately naming things in words that would make us Yanks and Limeys sound like we had potty mouths. I say good on you Thailand, you have secretly pulled a fast one on the western world, and I can certainly appreciate the joke.

Today’s WTF comes strictly in commercial form.

I know that If I had this lovely assortment of home wares to sell, my first campaign strategy would be to employ a few bedazzled contortionists as well.


My favorite part about this commercial is that it was no way intended to be WTF, but WTF inevitably happens when you add together 50 year old out of touch ad execs, athletes, and blatant product promotions.


And here are a few late entries with much thanks to Theron.

Sabby's Lounge

Remember kids monogomy without monotony is the only way to go, that is at least it is the way to go once you are tired of sodomy and bestiality.

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