Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I am the Man and I'm Keeping You Down

So Kwame pulled the race card last night. Essentially, my take on what Kwame was saying is that we are racist because we don’t understand that within the black culture it is O.K. to cost the city millions of dollars, cheat on our wives and kill strippers to cover up a party. Then again I might be mistaken. True oppression is a despicable thing, but pretending that you are oppressed infuriates me. Now that I got that off of my chest I will continue my white devil roll by posting this.


I don’t know what is more awesome, the fact that one of the actors last name is Koldsweat, or that there was a flaming turnip tied to a model car in that trailer.

And now for a video that probably won’t cause people to hate me.


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