Wednesday, June 18, 2008


There is a single video today for one reason alone. That is because I could not possibly post anything else that would top today’s find. Every ounce of WTF was sucked dry from the rest of the internet today and poured forth into this single clip. I would say off hand that this video is NSFW, but I honestly believe that anyone witnessing it would be so confused by its rich tapestry of peculiarity that they would move immediately into a state of consciousness that is beyond offendability (a state of consciousness that also includes made up words like offendability and shocktasticness). To brace you for what you are about to see, consider the following topics of thought.

How does one make a seven foot tall column of Cheetos?

Do the purple socks help inflame the passion, or were they just a random wardrobe choice that day?

What sort of gift was originally given in that gift bag on his head?

Because this was taped in such high quality and continues for nearly 9 minutes, was this video’s end intention to be used as a masturbatory tool, and the act itself was not arousing, but instead the watching of oneself in such a manor the key to sexual gratification?

Will he be able to get the orange cheese residue off of his taint?


1 comment:

Andy T said...

ok so I am looking at this for the first time and this is so unbelievably beyond the realm of explaination that I am without proper words to describe what I am seeing, other than " I love you cheetos "

Todd you have really truly and mercilessly outdone yourself this time. I mean a 7 foot cheeto sex doll? It sounds like carl spackler from Caddyshack getting freaky in his hut after chevy chase leaves for the night. Must be one of the deleted scenes.

sweet merciful mother of all things WTF