Friday, June 20, 2008


Here is your experiment of the day (or night rather…or next few months if dedicated).

Tonight at 7:59pm the summer solstice begins. I suggest that you find a comfortable room in you house. Find the southern wall of that house and beginning at 7:59pm start jumping up and down. With any luck, and skillful jumping, you should enjoy the fact that you are traveling north through the room at the same rate that the earth's axis is tilting. Continue this though September and you can enjoy the full fruits of this experiment. If you do find yourself still hoping in September, and you are wondering how you will ever reach that sandwich you left on the south side of the room again, don’t worry you’ll get there in March.

If you are wondering how you are going to pass the time between now and 7:59 pm I suggest you watch the following videos in continuous loop until then.

This one dumbfounds me for the simple reason that I cannot figure out what these would be criminals thought they were going to encounter. It is usually called a break-in because you are expected to break in.


Beware the Wewos

This video had like 5 million hits on Youtube. I hadn’t seen it so that means you have not seen it either, and if you have, tough, because you can see it again.

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