Thursday, May 29, 2008

Letters from Guantanamo Bay

It is becoming clear to me that one of the facilities that I work in was designed for the sole purpose of torture. For weeks now the temperature of my work space has been at least 80 degrees, how do I know this? I know this because that is what it says on the thermostat, the very thermostat that controls the air conditioning unit that does not work. This wouldn’t be so bad if corporate casual weren’t the dress code, or if the desks that we sit at weren’t made of a plastic that adheres to human skin when you perspire. So, just as I was starting to get used to the warmth a new irritant appeared in the environment. One of the many servers that are mounted in the data racks behind me decided that a drive was bad, that is when the beeping began. The beeping has been going on for some time now, how long I cannot say with any accuracy, but it feels like it has been happening for hours. One would think that eventually the beeping would just become part of the background noise, but no, somehow it stays in the forefront of the mind. It is like having a little construction monkey living on the back of your skull. This monkey has a little jack hammer, and every half of a second or so he squeezes the trigger sending a miniature flurry of irritation into your brain stem. It is quite an experience. The best part of it all is that all attempts to stop the beeping have failed so now we are waiting for Dell Technical Support to arrive to flip the magical switch that will kill the brain drilling monkey. Seeing that Dell Technical Support originates in India, I suppose the monkey eliminator should show up some time in the next two weeks. If you notice that my posts start taking on a “more than usual” deranged manor during these aforementioned two weeks please contact OSHA for me, because by that point I have a feeling that I will have passed beyond the barriers of sanity.

I am pretty sure that they are going to start water-boarding us next week.

I had to get away from the beeping, so I went downstairs to go to the bathroom and found this.

I Quit!

Now for the WTF, here is Popeye vs. Anime


Wheelchair Werewolf


Here is Part 1 of Gay Robot


And here is part 2


There is some NSFW language in this one, but it shouldn’t hinder your enjoyment of Taint Monopoly.



I think next to the beeping I found this one completely tolerable. Some how I managed to sit through all five minutes of this ridiculousness.


However I could only survive about a minute and a half of this embarrassment. Curse the makers of the Key-tar.


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