Thursday, May 22, 2008

Short but Sweet

Apparently Manchester United is the new European League Champion. Yeah I don’t care either but I needed something to write about. The very name Manchester United strikes me odd. It suggests that once upon a time Manchester was a much divided city. I can just picture several hundred two and three man soccer (or football to you purist bastards) teams roaming the streets of Manchester. These team-lets would brawl for superiority whenever they would meet. Errant games would cause chaos in the streets, churches and restrooms knocking over old ladies, breaking flowerpots, and causing cats to run off making that screechy noise that cats make whenever they run off in movies or television. This would have been dark times indeed for Manchester. However, just like every other problem on the British Isles this one would be handled by a Patron Saint. Saint So and So of Such and Such undoubtedly came to the people’s greater need and united the team-lets into the mega team that would eventually become the league champions.

So in honor of Saint So and So of Such and Such here are a few videos that, I believe, truly capture the spirit of unity... or have nothing to do with unity at all.

This video is quite the train wreck that I could not force myself away from watching. The hair alone provides “volumes” of entertainment value. Besides, who doesn’t love watching white people dance to old school hip hop?


Here the Meth Minute treats us to some kid’s shows that are not so much for the kids.


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