Friday, May 9, 2008

No Christmas in Afghanistan (Or How the Sandwich Will Destroy Me)

Today I partook in a sandwich that will certainly ruin my digestive system for at least a day. I don’t know why I did it, it looked good I suppose. I am not quite sure why we as human beings insist on doing things that will come around on us in the end, (in my case today, literally). I guess it could be part of being the top of the food chain. With no predators around we become our own enemies. As incredibly selfish creatures not only do we struggle for dominance over each other, but over ourselves. If that means that we have to drink, smoke, do drugs or even eat really big greasy onion laden sandwiches, we will. What better way to defeat the ultimate enemy of the human spirit; our bodies.

Well this vintage piece of WTF shows that we humans are not the only ones who suffer from the human condition. Dogs do as well.


Speaking of self indulgence, here is a fine upstanding pith helmeted lad who enjoys tea enough to make a delightful rap about it.


I realize that the U.S. has a bit of an imperialistic reputation these days, but I don’t mind because Santa Clause doesn’t mind. In fact Santa Clause hates the Taliban, and loves large armaments.


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