Friday, July 25, 2008

Must be Some Kind of Warts

My day got off to a WTF start today. On my way to work I happened to be tailgated for some time by a rather rude driver (one of those “Silver Fox” executive types). Normally for my own sanity I would just move over and allow the prick to pass on by. Today I was feeling slightly more malicious than I usually do and as a result decided not to budge. I could almost hear the frustration emanating from his pours as he was forced to follow my diminutive dirt covered Pontiac Vibe, with his obviously superior gleaming red Cadillac CTS LP (LP being a package demarcation that I have created. It stands for Lack of Penis). Eventually Mr. “I get off on verbally assaulting my administrative assistant” Corporate Dill Hole found a gap allowing him to pass me (on the right of course). As he passed, sneering at me for only going 15 mph above the speed limit, I saw the universe come into focus. I was given a glimpse into the master plan. Some people call it Karma, I call it hilarious. As quickly as I could, I grabbed my cell phone and snapped a picture of his car, attempting to get a clear shot of his license plate. Unfortunately, as I was not willing to tailgate him, I was not able to get a clear picture of what I saw. Here is the picture I did get.

Now using my top secret government computer I shall attempt to make it clearer.

Zoom and Enhance.

And there you have it. This man is traveling around with a license plate that proudly proclaims that he has Ass V.D. (or if you wish to use the University of Michigan M… Mass V.D. is equally laughable).

Here is the point where being a Michigan State University graduate I could add insult to injury by making a claim such as “as a MSU alumnus this is the exact sort of behavior I would have expected from a U of M alumnus”, but like I said, I was given a glimpse into the master plan, and that sort of attitude can come back on you.

Besides as a MSU alumnus, I was taught better.

Here is the WTF

This one is a bit on the esoteric side, but every now and then I think we all need to be a little pretentious when it comes to humor. I am just kidding… it’s a video about missing socks.


This video is titled D.A.R.E. Cat, and it is WTF.


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